Automotive security – Attack on Android In-Vehicle Infotainment from Iit-Cnr
As part of the research activity on cyber-physiscal systems, the IIT-CNR moves forward an important study on cyber-security automotive. It focuses on the CAN-bus protocol and, in particular, on security properties such as Confidentiality, Integrity, and Authentication. Android-based radio system is also part of my research activity in automotive. In particular, we exploit Android Radio to remotely access the car and read data coming from car’s sensors. These involve the parking-camera, the internal microphone, GPS, and other CAN-bus information, like engine RMP, fuel, brakes and others.
See the video (italian version) of our attack on Android In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) system presented during the CyberSecurity Lab at Pisa (16th of November).